See Samsung cell phones receive less frequent updates – Tecnoblog

Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra, com Space Zoom de 100x (Imagem: Paulo Higa/Tecnoblog)

The best technology is not nosso channel no whatsapp Samsung is working to update security measures for top-of-the-line smartphones, and the Korean giant is changing the policy for some older models. Owners of Galaxy S20, Note 20, Z Flip and Z Fold 2 line devices only updated quarterly. According to Samsung, the selected devices were … Read more

Members of ransomware gang Lockbit arrested by law enforcement

International law enforcement, led by the UK's National Crime Agency, has disrupted the operations of the Lockbit ransomware gang. The group behind notable hacks against the aircraft manufacturer Boeingflea giant Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company, Subway sandwich chain and thousands more have had his site taken offline on Monday while authorities arrested the main players in … Read more

The EU opens a wide-ranging probe into TikTok

TikTok is in the EU's crosshairs for its potential Digital Services Act (DSA) regarding the safety of minors and other matters. Formal procedures will focus on addictive algorithms, the “rabbit hole effect,” age verification issues, and default privacy settings. The European Commission is also investigating advertising transparency and access to data for researchers, it said … Read more

The best password managers for 2024

We use passwords for everything. From our bank accounts to free social media sites, our password footprints spread all over our digital landscape. But that means if you’re reusing the same ones over and over again, you’re opening yourself up to hackers potentially finding one in a leak and getting into your most sensitive accounts. … Read more

Defense Department alerts over 20,000 employees about email data breach

The Department of Defense sent a data breach notification letter to thousands of current and former employees alerting them that their personal information had been disclosed. DefenseScoop reported Tuesday. Although the department first detected the incident in early 2023, notifications only started being sent out earlier this month. More than 20,000 people appear to be … Read more

HIPAA protects health data privacy, but not in the ways most people think

The “P” in HIPAA does not stand for privacy. It's one of the first things many experts will say when asked to clear up any misconceptions about the health data law. Instead, it stands for portability — it's called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act — and describes how information can be transferred between … Read more

Ring’s cheapest subscription plan is going up by $10 a year


Amazon's Ring is raising the price of its cheapest Basic subscription, following similar hikes from Google and others, the company said in a statement. FAQs seen by The edge. As of March 11, the amount increases from $4 to $5 per month (or $40 to $50 per year), an increase of 25 percent. The last … Read more

US officials believe Chinese hackers lurk in critical infrastructure

Chinese hackers have been hiding in US critical infrastructure for at least five years, CNN reported Wednesday FBI and Department of Justice officials has already issued a court order to update software that could succumb to Chinese hacking. The effort aimed to combat Chinese hacking by remotely disabling certain affected systems. According to the department, … Read more

How security experts unravel ransomware

Hackers are using ransomware to attack every industry, to provide access to a victim's files. It's a lucrative business. In the first six months of 2023, ransomware gangs even though most governments . Increasingly, security professionals are partnering with law enforcement to provide free decryption tools, freeing locked files and eliminating the temptation for victims … Read more

Fallout from the Fulton County cyberattack continues, key systems still down

Key systems in Fulton County, Georgia, have been offline since last week when a “cyber incident” hit government systems. Although the county has done its best to continue operations as normal, phone lines, court systems, property records and more everything fell. The county has not yet confirmed details of the cyber incident, such as the … Read more